Sam Ash
This project seeks to aim an innovative way to make and expand horizons for brands. When delving into a brand it is key to recognize the strong visual elements that make you remember it and stays with you, something so definitive that allows users to bond and create a connection. When considering the use of symbols and logos, these serve as visual shorthand for your brand. Even if your brand name isn't instantly recognizable, a well-designed symbol or logo can catch the eye and make your brand memorable. A carefully crafted symbol or logo has the potential to evoke emotional responses from your audience. This emotional connection can help build loyalty and trust with consumers, even if they're not familiar with your brand. With this I plan to evoke a sense of familiarity with a brand that has been 100 years in business and yet still does not serve users with any sense of style or identity.  As I immerse into this project, the objective was to create a unique set of symbols, in particular one, that can go along with the brand and come across to people as recognizable. For this reason I created the character TAMB.
Juan Muller
Vision of the Sam Ash Project
This particular character was idealized to continue the sense of music and the music industry. Resembling a tambourine I particularly made sure to have a definitive and interesting look. The original colors that went along with the brand of Sam Ash are red, white and black. While this is particularly efficient in the corporate aspect of branding, the main goal of the music industry is to be fun and to send a message to people. With this idea in mind I decided to continue the work that has been prolonged and used the corporate design elements to assimilate the brand and put it together. With TAMB the goal is to incorporate him as part of the brand and be considered as a symbol, not particularly the logo.

Character Ideation


When ideating the idea of a logo the aim was to use the style “RubberHose” which was a very prominent use and style of animation during the 1913’s which relates to the creation of the brand Sam Ash since it was created by 1924.The idea went to 4 different concepts, since I wanted a character that was able to uphold musical properties whiles still looking fun and relatable to the brand.

Main Idendity

Motion Sketches

Pamphlet Ideas